You can get involved by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., completing our Contact form, or by dropping into the shop and speaking to one of the volunteers or trustees.
What the role involves
This lead role has overall responsibility for running the organisation day to day. As the co-ordinator you will ensure adequate volunteer resources are available to fulfil the different project roles and an ample supply of stock for the retail and online shops.
You will manage and support the volunteers in their roles, including providing training and development.
Working closely with the Trustees, you will help to further the organization’s charitable aims.
What you need for this role:
We can help and support you to develop the skills you need for this role. A full induction and training will be provided, covering all the areas outlined above.
What the role involves
As a shop volunteer you will ensure our customers have a positive shopping experience. You will welcome customers, help them with making purchases and use our till system to record sales and process payments.
You will help with the day to day running of the shop. This includes organizing, pricing and displaying stock and ensuring the shop is clean and tidy.
What you need for this role
We can help and support you to develop the skills you need for this role. A full induction and training will be provided, covering all the areas outlined above.
What the role involves
This key role involves taking donations of various goods, assessing their condition and suitability for sale through our retail or online shops. Suitable goods will then be sorted, cleaned and prepared, as required for sale. Once ready, sale-ready stock will be taken to the shop.
Goods unsuitable for sale will be segregated for disposal through the appropriate means.
What you need for this role
We can help and support you to develop the skills you need for this role. A full induction and training will be provided, covering all the areas outlined above.